Материјална култура
физичке аспекте људске креативности и изражавања, представљајући све физичке објекте и артефакте који свједоче о начину живота, вјеровањима, уметничким изразима и технолошким достигнућима једног друштва или културе.
Photograph of a medieval sword recovered from the Vrbas River.
Department of Archaeology
Center of academic excellence and research, focusing on uncovering and analyzing archaeological remains that shed light on the past of humanity. The expert team at the Department actively contributes to expanding our understanding of the cultural, social, and technological aspects of ancient civilizations.
Name and surname
Name and surname
Фотографија градске ношње у Бањалучкој бановини
Ethnology and Ethnography.
Department of Ethnology and Ethnography.
This department is dedicated to the study and interpretation of cultural customs, traditions, and material culture of various communities. Our expert team actively contributes to expanding understanding of the social, cultural, and anthropological aspects of different ethnic groups and their heritage.
Name and surname
Name and surname